Welcome to angelovin!
I always wanted my own little homepage because I fell in love with OCs! My super sweet friend helped me, and now it’s finally coming to life~ I’ll be filling this space with all my favorite things and making it as cute and lovely as possible!

It’s still under slow and cozy construction, so please be patient with me~ ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡ I'm just an amateur at both design and coding, so please be gentle with me!

I’d love to trade buttons with more people! Feel free to leave a message in my guestbook! And my X account is @ashtoangel I mainly use it to back up my OC commissions ❛ڡ❛ ♡

Please Do Not save all the images on this website

Some material may be inapproriate
for children under 13


Feel free to take
my button

If you leave a message, we can exchange button with each other

 to do list 
  Diary 완성!

  많은 사람들과 버튼 교환하기

  OC 페이지 구상

  WISH LIST 페이지 구상

 I am angelic  

The Princess Code